CS6 – Automation Control Unit

The CS6 is an automation control stations for the I-Caption , D-Scriptive and Audien Translation systems, synchronizing pre- recorded captions, audio description and translation commentary to live theatrical productions, museum exhibits and movies. Broadcasting up to 50 separately timed captions or subtitles, the CS6 offers a midi and OSC input to keep audio and captions in perfect time with the performance. The controller advances cues by midi show-control, midi note, midi time code, or OSC commands. The software interface makes the system easy to use, maintain and update. The unit’s Ethernet port allows remote access for editing timings and viewing the CS6’s activity and logs. The data port also allows software updates, uploading cue changes and downloading log files from a remote location if connected to the internet. The CS6 setup and command screens run on HTML5 so they can be controlled by any wireless device, tablet, I-Pad, laptop, android or I-phone, that is connected to the local network.
Synchronization is achieved via a comprehensive software package that reads a variety of show control and digital protocol information from production equipment. A timing is run during a performance that synchronizes the slides or audio segments with the appropriate “show” fires. The CS6’s software runs a complex algorithm to automatically find the closest midi or OSC cue for each slide or audio segment. This keeps the text and audio in perfect time with the live performance. The Cue Editor allows the operator to edit the automation file after its completion, to delete inaccurate midi fires or change the timing of the slides or audio segments. It can also add looping cues in any part of the program such as sponsorship or advertising before the performance or event.
The user-friendly CS6 automation control station is designed to supply years of quality performance and deliver accessibility services to every seat in the venue at every performance.
- Fully Automated – No technician needed once programmed.
- Remote connectivity for monitoring and timing via any device browser equipped with WiFi.
- Easy to use software to program system and edit timings.
- Internal testing for quick system diagnostics.
- Self-test of system on startup, master control panel indicates issues
- Filters on each midi input allowing only the relevant information to pass.
- Compact one rack space design.
- Full two-year warranty.